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Physical Education at Carlton Primary School
PE Co-Ordinator - Mrs R Simmonds
PE Curriculum Vision 

At Carlton Church of England Primary, our vision for Physical Education is that all of our children will be inspired, motivated and enthusiastic to participate in a range of sports and physical activities, including competitions and Forest School. We believe that the opportunities we provide for our children in Physical Education will inspire them to hold a lifelong interest in physical activity, sports and outdoor adventure.

What do we want to achieve? 

The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities

  • are physically active for sustained periods of time

  • engage in competitive sports and activities

  • lead healthy, active lives

All pupils at Carlton Primary will have a positive and passionate attitude towards physical activity, being lifelong advocates, knowing its importance for a healthy lifestyle. To be physically literate, so that they can apply their physical skills to a wide variety of activities throughout their lives. To be able to work in a variety of team situations, showing cooperation, communication, determination, resilience, leadership, the ability to evaluate and improve and most importantly to have fun! The curriculum aims to invigorate the mind as well as the body; a healthy mind is equally as important as a healthy body.


How will we do this?

The teaching of PE sets clear expectations and skills progressions across all year groups. It is taught as an area of learning in its own right, making links to other curriculum areas where suited. Pupils experience 2 hours a week of PE. Teachers enable pupils to explore and investigate, be creative, plan and select, practise and refine, present their work, observe and evaluate, take on different roles and responsibilities and strive to improve on their individual personal bests. Teaching also aims to be fun and enable pupils to experience success in physical education, school sport and physical activity, develop good sporting attitudes, understand basic rules, experience positive competition and learn in a safe environment. Teaching provides consistent and clear quality feedback to pupils to help them improve and identify the next steps in their learning. Lessons include the use of GetSet4PE, an appropriate and well-chosen, high quality resource to aid learning and progression of skills and technique.


What outcomes do we want for our children?

P.E is taught as a basis for lifelong learning, where the children have access to a wide range of activities in the belief that if taught well and the children are allowed to succeed, then they will continue to have a physically active life. A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. Children will experience a range of sports and activities through their PE lessons, developing confidence to compete against their peers, discussing the emotional skills related to winning and losing and how to behave in each situation. Children will also gain the social skills needed to work as a team and will have the thinking skills to be able to self-critique their own performance using their oracy skills and the correct vocabulary. At Carlton Primary, we provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities, through intra and inter school competitions, build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. We strive for:

  • Mentally and physically fit pupils who think strategically as well as critically

  • Pupils equipped with strategies to positively challenge life and the wider world

  • Strong sporting attitude and spirit

  • Equipped with positive character

Jewellery and Ear Piercing

Jewellery and Earrings in PE Guidance  -  At Carlton VC Church of England Primary School we take every opportunity to review many of our school policies associated with children’s health, safety and well-being. One of these is the wearing of jewellery during school PE lessons.  Wearing jewellery or earrings for physical activities poses a serious risk of injury to both the wearer and other children and therefore,  jewellery and earrings must be removed by the child before they take part.  If a child is unable to remove the jewellery themselves,  they should not wear it to school.  Taping of piercings will also not be allowed as this provides inadequate protection to both the wearer and other children. Please ensure that you consider this guidance when choosing an appropriate time for piercings.

Thank you for your support in this matter.